Supermarket Master
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Supermarket Master

Supermarket Master

Supermarket Master
1 4.5

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Dordle» Supermarket Master

Supermarket Master


Build your own brand in Supermarket Master! Quickly start building your business world in this exciting game!

Supermarket Master is an online game with an extremely interesting casual game theme for players to participate in challenges. The mission of the game is to win the challenge. In each round, you quickly optimize your supermarket production and management processes. Isn't it great? Build your brand right in Supermarket Master!

How to play

In this Supermarket Master game, players participate in challenges by using the mouse to move and follow the instructions. Players expand space, upgrade shelves, and improve support services such as rapid payment areas to make everything run more smoothly. Have fun!

Discover many intriguing games in our casual game collection, where players can conquer new games such as My Little City or Perfect Hotel. Don't miss out on these exciting opportunities!

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