Hex Triple Match
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Hex Triple Match

Hex Triple Match

Hex Triple Match

Hex Triple Match

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Dordle» Hex Triple Match

Hex Triple Match


Welcome to Hex Triple Match! Discover an exciting online puzzle game with a strategic puzzle theme. Start the challenge now!

Hex Triple Match is an online puzzle game with a strategic puzzle challenge and an exciting merging experience for everyone to participate in. The goal of the game is to win. In each round, you start the challenges by arranging the right pieces to remove them as quickly as possible. Don't hesitate? Join the Hex Triple Match today!

How to play

In the Hex Triple Match game, players participate in the challenge by using the mouse to move and follow the instructions. You start by placing these pieces strategically on the hexagonal board. When you create a row or cluster of the same item, they will disappear. Don't forget your moves, because the game will end if you run out of space. Good luck!

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Plan your moves carefully to win. Join and win today!

How To Play

Mouse click or tap to play

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